2-bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms in Abbey Court (BBC)
£360 Per week - Flat
2-bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms in Abbey Court (BBC), on the 3/F, double bed, located in the heart of city centre. (central heating and double…
More Details2-bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms in Abbey Court (BBC), on the 3/F, double bed, located in the heart of city centre. (central heating and double…
More DetailsEn-suite bedrooms on Albany Road. Rent: Bedroom number 1: £140/PW Bedroom number 2: £140/PW Bedroom number 3: £140/PW Bedroom number 4: £130/PW Bedroom number 5:…
More Detailsen-suite bedroom on Swan Lane. 15 mins walk to Coventry Uni and 5 mins walk to restaurants, supermarkets and post offices. Rent: 125/PW More info:…
More Details4 bedrooms house on Cobb Close (2 bathrooms + 2 en-suite), one kitchen. 16 mins walk to Coventry Uni. 5 mins walk to supermarket, post…
More DetailsFurlong Road,Parkside,四室一厅三个卫生间(2卫浴+1厕所),步行至Coventry大学15分钟,健身房及超市为5-10分钟 价格大房间110磅/周/间 小房间90/周/间
More Details4-bedroom flat with 3 bathrooms at Surrey Drive. 18 mins walk to Coventry University. 5 mins walk to supermarket, post office, pharmacy and restaurants. Including…
More DetailsAragon House 位于Coventry最好的私立学校King Henry八世的正对面。步行3分钟可到War Memorial Park和火车站。步行5分钟到市中心。20分钟到学校 公寓是典型的两室两卫浴,带门禁 价格300磅/周/套 or 350磅/周/套包bill 具体信息 付款方式: 一次性付清/有担保人可以季付 租期: 50-52周 付费说明: 预定金为8周房费,签约时4周转为房屋押金,4周转为房费 起租日期: 2019年9月1日
More DetailsPipkin Court (Parkside)兩室一卫浴 公寓在三层, 前院自带车位。 距离考文垂大学12分钟步行, 步行到市中心需10分钟。 220.00每周不包bill 租期: 12个月 付款方式: 一次性付清/有担保人可以季付 付费说明: 预定金为8周的房租,签约后4周转为押金,另外4周转为房租 起租日期: 2020年9月
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